Friday, April 22, 2011

I was sitting

on a long bench in the breezeway of a Victorian flophouse in San Francisco when a girl abruptly sat down beside me. I didn’t immediately look at her, so she bounced a little and said, “Well. What can we talk about?”
Rain Upon Waking

Come on.       Get up.
Let’s talk about… oh…
the benefit of rain upon waking.
Let’s talk about… oh…
why there’s no peace on either side
of tossing and turning.
Let’s talk about… oh…
why at our first yawn
the pigeons flinch.
Let’s talk about… oh…
why you’re still sleeping
and I’m not fully awake.
Come on.       Get up.
Let’s melt down two worlds
into Childhood.

Dennis Fredrick Evans

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