Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bike Day

Bike Day

          To those who may have been looking for Part Three of The Power of Walking, I apologize for its absence. I began writing it yesterday but discovered some related ideas, and the story became too complex to finish and post. That happens. The digressions led the way to the uncovering of a broader theme, a theme that was actually lying beneath the purpose of my writing about walking in the first place. So, I’ll continue to indulge the tangential thoughts, transition to that broader theme and hope for a post on May 8.
          Today was a landmark day for me in regards to exercise and healthy works in general. I have a 21-speed road and trail bike that has sat in a garage and hung in a shed for the past thirteen years. Late last fall, thanks to a money gift from my daughter, thank you Karma, I had the bike maintained and fitted with new tires. The chain was still in good shape despite all the years of hanging around – it was covered with a thick coat of dirty oil. I bought a new helmet last year too. The one I had thirteen years ago wouldn’t pass new safety codes. Today I rode the bike for a round trip of six miles – to downtown Tilton and back home. During the past month, I’ve walked to town three times, a walk of two miles one way along West Main Street. My wife and I moved to Tilton, New Hampshire, three years ago. I intend to write about Tilton and include photographs in the account. Today I rode along a bike path that runs along an unused railroad track through some woods. I found several broad patches of Japanese Knotweed, which should meet many years of my need for the root. Yarrow was also abundant along the trail. My use and work with herbs will also be a subject for writing. All these thoughts – biking, Knotweed, Yarrow, and even the town of Tilton are connected by the thematic threads of The Three Priorities.

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