Monday, May 2, 2011

The Three Priorities

The Three Priorities: My daily life is focused by three priorities: Involvement with Family, Artistic Work, and Personal Health. If I'm able to act on one or more of these priorities, I take note of the fact and choose to be satisfied with my day. If I don't engage in any of the three priorities, I feel frustrated and know why.

The guiding principle of The Three Priorities was conceived in 2006 as part of an attempt to bring more order to my life through simplification. The idea of simplification wasn’t new for me, but I needed a codified expression of the “simple life” that would be easy to remember and apply on a daily basis. I’m posting The Three Priorities principle today as a way to define a blog category. This blog category will allow me to write about those daily activities that fulfill the Priorities and trace my progress in achieving my goal of a simpler life.

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