Sunday, May 1, 2011

Space Between Worlds

I dictated the original draft of this poem into a tape recorder as I walked through some woods.

          Space Between Worlds

When the mind snaps, flooding follows
with a rush of a surging river.
And when tidal currents flow through the woods,
the nature of motion is known.
For with flood water, snapped minds,
or any expanding form,
a straight line is discordant.
For if I, in a flood, were to walk
as a laser beam through the thick woods,
and fail to note position of trees,
two worlds will touch,
and by touch the universe halt.
So, by avoidance and repellence,
space between worlds is made.
And light, thought, or whatever will traverse,
must swerve and avoid,   
then approach close enough
to counter-balance force    
and move off into an empty place.

                                    Dennis Fredrick Evans

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