Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cost of a Christmas Tree

                  Cost of a Christmas Tree

“Oh, Mother, look – so many new toys and games.
Father, mmm, to choose and play…play.
I want car and candy and ice cream and house
and give me fun and ball.
Where did it all come from?
Oh, I don’t care, it is here.
Gimme!  Gimme!
Living is good, isn’t it?
What’s for Christmas next year?”

Thus begins a tale of beautiful bodies;
of ideal thoughts and dreams –
then of butchered bodies,
legs cut off and tied by wire
around the head with eyes kicked out;
corpse hanging from a bloody, naked tree.

“Do you see, darling, how we slice up bodies we have killed?
We should equip our armies with meat-hooks
to drag away the bodies that trip.”

(Bodies in aluminum caskets –
treasures in the Hope chest of a divorced woman)

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but…
Ring around the Rosie pocket full of posie…
Red Rover, Red Rover, send…
How much did life cost this year, honey?

                                       Dennis Fredrick Evans

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